Thursday, February 12, 2015

One year as a coach!

One year ago ... 
I embarked on a journey that would change my life forever! I started in a place so far away from who I was, but mostly upset with how I let myself get there. You might think I am just talking about the weight, but that was just a side affect of the toll I allowed LIFE to take on me.
I played the blame game. I only saw life through the tunnel vision I had created for me. It wasn't fair, I was stressed, my health was depleting, was it just a stage? I knew I could recognize these changes, but for some reason I was accepting them. I wasn't challenging myself to be better or to do better. I was blending in and letting people treat me with disrespect. Allowing myself to feel zero purpose, and starting to not see hope for the future. Feeling judged that I wasn't successful or even in a position to be at 23, being seen as just a military wife, which I am incredibly proud of, but that is not WHO I am, only a part of who I am, a big part, as are many other things.

Becoming a Beachbody coach has, to date, been THE most rewarding thing I have ever done. I started this journey for the sole purpose of weight loss, never imagining along the way for this opportunity to completely transform my life. My excuses were no longer excuses, I was surrounded by a world of positivity, do you know how powerful that is? I was realizing how much I NEEDED to work on me, and I picked up one my favorite habits, READING! I know, it's crazy but reading is a huge part of my life! I face one fear every single day, today, is this post 
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 I have completely shifted my mindset from " that's impossible" to " why not me?". I have become so strong in my head that it is an automatic switch if negativity or doubt or criticism approaches me. Do I get sad? YES. Am I perfect? HELL NO. Do I have flaws? MORE THAN I CAN COUNT. Do I fail? EVERY SINGLE DAY. But does that define me anymore? NOT A CHANCE!!

I am a completely different person today than I was one year ago and do you want to know how? It all started with a choice. It all started with physical appearance. It started with completing a workout program to prove to myself that YES I CAN. It started with allowing myself to be human and accepting my mistakes. Forgiving myself every single day. ENJOYING my journey instead of stressing about how far I had to go or what number was on the scale. This process has given me so much more confidence than I have ever had in my entire life. Letting the REAL me shine, not being scared of what people think of me, sharing my journey so I can help other people use fitness as an outlet, too!!
I GET TO HELP PEOPLE FEEL THIS WAY TOO!! Beachbody is so much more than fitness. It is restoring your life, your happiness, your purpose. Fitness is the outlet to get there. We ALL need that. We ALL need health! We all need to experience something we thought we could never do, and do it. I have been able to help over 200 people, 2 of which I failed, and it still cuts me through my heart every single day. BUT, it doesn't define me. YOU have to be ready for the help, and i've realized that. I understand now, because i've been there too, and I would never judge a single person.
So I don't do this often, if ever, but today I am celebrating ME! By doing that I am doing the things that I find most joy in! I am plugging into my challenge groups, I am helping my coaches, I am working out, I am reading, I am NOT taking an exam ( even though I only have 2 left until I am done with school!) hehe! , I am LIVING, and I am enjoying every minute of this beautiful life.

LIFE is what we make it, and I don't come from the perfect one in the slightest nor does that matter. So that excuse won't fly with me. You can be whatever you want to be, you just have to make the commitment to want to be that , and DO IT. Don't ever give up on it. Who cares what people think! Look at me! 
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 LIVE because you only get to live once, and do what you love!! 
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