Beachbody Coaching

What does it take to be a Beachbody Coach?

You must wonder how someone can be compelled into a career like Beachbody coaching. Most likely when you hear about the opportunity, the answer is an immediate, NO THANKS. At least that was the case for me , anyway. It takes educating yourself and learning that Beachbody is a billion dollar company, and realizing that we are the nations number 1 in-home fitness & health company. It's understanding that you are teaming up with a SOLID and stable foundation. It takes a hard work ethic and shifting your mindset to believe that this could be the opportunity to change your life and the lives of your family. It takes an open mind to allow yourself to be teachable. It takes wanting to work on yourself every single day, so you can give fully to those that you inspire. It takes consistency, as with anything you are trying to grow. This is a business, and it takes you treating it like one to be successful.

How much does it cost to sign up as a Beachbody coach? 

Let's just say the costs are minimal, less than $155 dollars which is a full investment in yourself. Investing in yourself off the bat is going to waive the coach enrollment fee, so it's the best way to go, in my opinion. The charges monthly? 15.95 + your monthly home direct order, which again is for your benefit only. Being a product of the product is big in this business, you have to believe what you are sharing with people. I can honestly say that in the 8 months I have been working, I have not invested a dime and instead am making an income on top of being the healthiest I have ever been. This business is meant to help you MAKE MONEY , not break you. So if the start up fee is what's scaring you off, message me and we can work something out. 

What Beachbody coaching IS NOT.

This is not a get rich quick scheme. This business, like any business, takes hard work. If you are not able to put the work in , you will fail miserably. One year of consistency and dedication to yourself and helping others and you will be on your way to an amazing life and career.

Benefits of being a Beachbody Coach?

* You get 25% discount on all programs and products including shakeology
* You are eligible for free gear and prizes every single month
* You are a business owner, and the CEO of your very own company.
* You are eligible for a paid for vacation every year for helping people.
* You make a commission on all sales brought in by you.
* Beachbody sends you free customers in which you also make commission.
* Beachbody rewards you significantly for growing your business.
* You are paid on a weekly basis. ( THURSDAYS)
* Beachbody rewards you with multiple types of bonuses.
* NO INVENTORY. Beachbody takes care of everything!
* You get your very own coach online office giving you access to marketing materials, training's, etc. 
* Access to an entire team of fitness and health professionals.

How did Beachbody coaching come about?

First, it started with two guys. One by the name of Carl Daikeler and the other by the name of John Congdon. They were infomercial guys who were great at building a sales promo around a product. They found their "nitch" with fitness and went on to meet a guy by the name of Tony Horton. (If you are not familiar with Tony Horton, he is the creator of p90, p90x, p90x2, p90x3). Together they created this successful program which launched and was a huge success. There was just one thing it was lacking, though, and that was REAL customer success stories. Beachbody had an online forum where customers doing the program would connect to share their progress, etc. Even people who graduated from the program already were signing in just to cheer on the ones still going through it! Customers were supporting each other, for free, on their own time, and the accountability was causing other customers to be just as successful!

So these two guys came up with an idea to compensate the people that were already sharing their stories for free. What would happen if these people were getting paid to help and motivate others, how many more lives would they touch?

So after a lot of thought and much planning, they thought Network Marketing was their best bet. It was a huge risk, but one they felt would make a huge difference in helping customers succeed! They knew that by doing this people wouldn't just buy the programs, but they would actually use them to change their lives and help change the lives of others.

7 years later, it brings us to today where we have just tipped the bud of over 200,000 active coaches! 200,000 people changing their lives and inspiring others to do the same with beachbody programs.