Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Los Angeles!!!!

Here I am! Off to my 2nd Beachbody event ever! The first being Summit 2014! I become a coach in Feb 2014 and was told just make it to this event and you will understand WHY it's so important. So I did! I had NO money to be spending on a plane ticket to Vegas, but I made it a point to get there because I just had this gut feeling in my chest that I would regret it. So I dropped everything and went, and everyone was right. It was exactly what I needed to propel my business forward! 

So that's me on the right, Jan 29,2015, snapping my gitty school girl picture on the plane heading to LOS ANGELES for a trip that myself and only 112 others qualified for! This was a 2 star diamond leadership conference, and my team and I busted butt to get here. I can't even begin to really explain the feelings I felt in the moment, knowing all our teams hard work was starting to pay off, but it was a super awesome feeling! One that I will definitely cherish forever. 

I didn't know what to expect attending this event, honestly. I had never been to anything THIS exclusive. I knew I would get to learn some great take aways and hoping to interact with corporate a little bit, but overall I was just happy to be going and representing Misfit Legion!

Upon arrival I checked in to my own room paid for by Beachbody, freshened up and headed down to the lobby to find the crazy people I had been in a mass group message with! PRETTY ENTERTAINING! Yes, I didn't know ANYONE other than two girls from my team who were not arriving until that night. That's just another reason why I LOVE beachbody. Everyone is so nice and we all immediately just CONNECT and it's like we've known each other for years. So I met my bb family in the lobby and we walked across to a cute little lunch spot and spent a nice hour or more getting to know each other.

After that was check in. I got to meet my mentor in person for the FIRST time and she gave me this awesome 21 day fix EXTREME gear that I would be wearing in the LIVE workout with creator of the 21 day fix EXTREME, Autumn Calabrease. 

PRETTY AWESOME! We still had a an hour or so before the opening session, so I hung out in the lobby with some new ladies I had met on the way back from lunch and sipped on a $20 dollar cosmo! yeah, my mouth dropped too! ;) but it's not everyday you get to be in LA! So hey, why not!?

Session one was about to start. Having NO idea what to expect, I walked into the room and realized the farthest away I could be away from the stage was 3 rows. That's how exclusive it was! Totally cool. So I took a seat and much to my surprise were more goodies! I felt so special in that moment, it was really amazing! We sat down with book bags, notebooks, pens, name plates, etc all waiting for us! We heard from our corporate team and got amazing tips and takeaways that I will not go into because if you are not a beachbody coach, would seem totally confusing and boring. But I will say this, it was awesome. Our company is truly one of a kind. The whole conference was dedicated to making US better people. It had nothing to do with THEM, and everything to do with US. What our core purpose was as coaches, how to stay true to ourselves, how to be a positive example, and how to work on us every single day. It's so easy in this business to get caught up in by the shiny things like rank and finances, and they really just helped us focus on wiping that slate clean, it didn't matter. 

To add to that, we heard from superstar diamond coach, Traci Morrow, who left us with one of my favorite quotes regarding this topic. 

"Success and titles are something you did yesterday and a trophy you have to dust off tomorrow." 

Continue to be YOU. Through this entire process work on you, and never stop. Be the best person that you can be. Great leaders ask great questions ... of themselves. 

Do I have blind spots?
Do I have the right inner circle?
Am I a master of myself so that I can be a servant of many?
Is my marriage/ family a priority? 
Am I the same in real life as I am on social media?
Do setbacks inspire me, or derail me ?
Am I willing to apologize?
Am I an example for others to follow? 

Our biggest goal should be to become bigger on the inside than the outside. 

Yeah, have I mentioned how much I adore this company? Amazing. 

The first meeting came to a close and we had about an hour before dinner! We went up and got dressed in our "California Chic" attire and went down to the party! It was this beautiful indoor/outdoor setting with fireplaces, and great food, and mingling! I finally caught up with my girlies who had a big delay in travel due to snow in the Boston area, but they made it! So we sat down and immediately got some food because these ladies hadn't caught a break all day. 

It wasn't but 10 minutes into our conversation, before some really nice man choose to join us. Yep, that's CEO Carl Daikeler of a billion dollar company and he's hanging out with us like it's no big thing! Truly love his heart and passion and that conversation was incredibly inspiring. Totally grateful for that experience and to share it with my girls!

We continued mingling throughout the evening with other corporate team members, beachbody coaches, and more. It was an amazing day!!!!!

Day 2 was here before we knew it. We opened the morning with an amazing breakfast provided by Beachbody, the morning session which included incredible incredible take aways from the number 1 coach in the company, Melanie Mitro, and Superstar Diamond coach, Trina Gray! I have pages and pages of notes from different take aways I got from each of them, it was an amazing opportunity. At the wrap of our first session it was lunch time. So we grabbed our lunches and loaded up into groups of about 30. Each group had their own charter bus and we headed over to corporate to tour Beachbody headquarters, workout with Celeb Trainer, Autumn, and have an exclusive Q&A with the corporate team. WOW! J

Just shooting a picture at corporate right before we head into workout! 

Survived our workout with Autumn! So fun to workout with the top coach in our company, Melanie Mitro and the amazing Katy Ursta. Both such inspiring women! 

First we went on a tour which was just really awesome. There are gym spaces and multiple shakeology kitchens for the employees who have unlimited access! Each employee even has a break during the day to get a workout in!! Mason says he is going to work there one day :D

After the tour, we had the workout, and then cooled off with some shakeO and sat down with corporate for some Q&A. It was so amazing that they care so much to let us ask questions and shoot ideas at them for future. I can honestly say i've never felt more appreciated in any job, EVER!

After the headquarters we were able to go back and have a little time to shower and get ready for the evening. We had a closing session followed by game night and dinner with the coaches and corporate. I sat next to Jeff Hill, the executive vice president of global sales, and he was so awesome!! His story is so inspiring, and this man has such a way with words. I truly respect him and it was great getting to know him a little more in a different setting. Great person, amazing father, husband, and overall representation for this company. 

** coaches, remind me to tell you his closing story at our last session. ** 

I can go on and on and on about this experience and the impact just those 48 hours had on my life. I came back with a whole new mindset and I am so grateful for that guidance. To all the coaches out there, if 2 star isn't a goal , it should be. Every single one of you can achieve this and get to this event.


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