Friday, August 1, 2014

Beachbody Coaching & why I love it!

When I first started my Beachbody Journey, it was more to focus on myself. Being a Beachbody Coach was exactly what I needed to accomplish my goals, and get my butt in gear! I felt that if I wanted to be an example to others, I had to 1. Be proof of the products/programs and 2. truly believe in myself. I knew that I really needed to figure myself out and what I wanted in my life before I could try and help other people. 

Starting a new journey is extremely scary, ESPECIALLY a journey in Network Marketing . I was a skeptic coming into this business for the simple fact that I had heard about "these types" of systems before, and it's not something I really wanted to be a part of. But I decided to set my ignorance aside, and educate myself on this opportunity and how I could help other people. Here is what I've found out..

"Companies have choices. They can dive into the ever fragmented world of advertising to get the word out, they can hire a large and expensive sales force to sell their products or services, or they can utilize Network Marketing to tell their story to the world. More and more companies will choose to use Network Marketing because it fits the new economy. They can provide all the corporate support and pay distributors on a purely performance basis to promote their products." (Isn't that where our job market is headed anyways?) It's really smart actually, because in the new economy, word-of-mouth advertising continues to work better than any other form of promotion.So basically they can take the money they would have spent on advertising and promotion and pay it to distributors to spread the word. 

So what does this mean for me? It means that I can receive all the benefits of traditional business ownership without the typical risks, and there is NO cap on my income because Network Marketing companies want you to make as much as possible. So what's the catch?

The catch is that your in network marketing. The catch is that people will talk, and at times think less of you. They will think you are crazy! And why? Because most people have either done it or know someone who has, and failed. In other words, they are not joining a profession, they are hoping to get lucky, sign up a few people to cover their own start up costs, and sit back and watch the money roll in. DOESN'T WORK THAT WAY. Instead of taking responsibility for not really starting their business, they blame Network Marketing and make sure to tell the world that it's a scam and doesn't work. This business is anything but easy, which is why people quit.

So what makes Beachbody different? 

All that stuff up there ^^^^^^^ that's not why we are here. Sure the compensation plan Beachbody offers is extremely rewarding , but we are truly passionate about helping other people. We truly want to make a difference and help people reach their goals. We truly want people to find happiness within THEM. Because what happens when you truly find happiness within yourself? Everything else in life starts to make sense! Tell me it doesn't feel good to know you have impacted someones life in a positive way?

Well why do we care so much? 

Because every single one of us has a story, every single one of us has gone through something and/or continues to go through something. It's funny because Beachbody is so much more than health and fitness. It's a family, a creative license to make a business however you see fit, a way to get out of debt, change the path of your life, freedom of time, etc. and the best part? This business is for anyone as long as you come in with a strong work ethic, a big heart, and an open mind so we can help educate you on what it takes to be successful. 

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