Sunday, August 3, 2014

21 Reasons why the 21 day fix works

You have heard of the 21 day fix. BUT WHAT IS IT, AND HOW DO YOU SEE RESULTS SO QUICKLY? I'll tell you, and i'll tell you why it works for everyone. 
1. It takes 21 days to break a bad habit, follow this new eating pattern and get on a workout regimen and you have just created a new lifestyle for yourself.
2. When starting the 21 day fix program it's all about speeding up your metabolism. How do you do that? Smaller meals frequent times a day is what your body needs and what the fix provides.
3. This guided meal plan is only guided in the sense that it tells you how many proteins, fruits, veggies,carbs, etc that you can have each day based off a simple calculation.
4. There is no way you won't like the food, because you get to create your own meal plan based off  your caloric intake.
5. Throw the guessing out the window, because included are portion sized containers. If it fits in the container, you can have it.
6. Muscle confusion is extremely important when working towards your goals which is why the 30 minute a day workouts all have a different focus.
7. Included with the 21 day fix is your daily dense nutrition called Shakeology. Having one shake that provides ALL the nutrients you need for one day eliminates the "craving " feeling you so often get. After all, cravings are our bodies way of telling us our bodies are lacking some sort of nutrient. Imagine eliminating that factor all together?
8. The workouts are extremely doable. FOR ANYONE, ANY AGE, IN ANY SHAPE. How? They offer a modifier in each video to follow and you gradually work your way up. 
9. Accountability is something we all need. Which is why I run monthly challenge groups specific to this program.
10. Not only will this program get you in great shape, but it EDUCATES you so much on what a proper diet ACTUALLY looks like. Believe it not, most people are not eating ENOUGH. When you are neglecting your body of food, it goes into hibernation mode and starts storing. To sum it up EAT MORE=LOSE MORE. You need to fuel your body so it has something to burn.
11. Men and Women approved. This program can give anyone a good workout, no matter what shape you are in.
12. People often tend to stick to something more when they see quick results. You will definitely notice a change in your first week, and all you are doing is working out and eating more than your used to.
13. Eliminate the cost of a nutritionist, a gym membership, and consuming 5 plates of salad a day, and get it all in one program that can be done right inside your home.
14. You can incorporate WINE into this diet! You are not depriving yourself by any means.
16. 3 months later, I still use the meal plan as a guide. I've learned to recognize what proper portions look like without the containers, and I'm not overeating like in the past and maintaining my results because of it.
17. Everyone that has done this program with me and stuck to it completely for 21 days has had results, but most importantly felt 100x better. 
18. ENERGY levels are sky rocketing because of your new habits and fueling your body with the proper amount of nutrients. 
19. The great thing about this program is it's yours forever and you can continue after the 21 days. ( which most do)
20. I'm proof that it actually works, as many others challengers could say also!
21. I want to help you feel great too! My next challenge group Starts Aug 18th! 

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