Monday, August 18, 2014

Shakeology and what it has done for me!

Woke up this morning realizing that today marks 7 months that I have been drinking Shakeology every single day. It was in February that I was encouraged to purchase it as a challenge pack with my workout program. (For those of you that do not know, challenge packs are workout programs combined with a month supply of shakeology at great discounted prices.) At the time, I only purchased it for the fact that I was saving money, and had no intention on sticking with it because "shakes" just really weren't my thing. I'll be honest in saying I didn't do my research, but I trusted my friend who was drinking it everyday and that it didn't have any stimulants in it, etc. It was a health drink, so I thought, no harm done? 

Rewind, and I'm at the point in my life where I am unhappy and unhealthy. I had been struggling with stomach issues that gave me problems at least 3x a week for at least 2 years. It became second nature to me, and at this point I thought I was unlucky and that this was just something I was going to have to deal with forever. A few weeks into drinking shakeology daily, I noticed my energy levels were much higher. My typical schedule consisted of waking up and needing a coffee before I could even function, but I had felt "better" and really didn't know why, so I just went with it! After about a month of consistently drinking Shakeology daily, it dawned on me that I hadn't had a stomach ache. I remember sitting down with my husband and talking to him about it, wondering if the shakeology was the cause for my new changes? We really were not sure, so I started to really research the "stuff."

For the first time, I realized the bag said it was the healthiest meal of the day. Then I learned that this was 100% natural and included 70+ super foods. I had no idea what "super foods" were so I typed it in my google search engine to find the definition stated, " a marketing term used to describe foods with supposed health benefits." Now I was really interested and chose to examine these super foods one by one. Here are a few:

Astragalus: Used in ancient Chinese medicine for centuries
Natures remedy to treat: Fibromyalgia, diabetes, arthritis, asthma.
It boosts immune system, protects against heart disease, improves overall weakness, lowers blood sugar, and treats respiratory infections+ nervous system conditions.

Sacha Inchi: Increasing production in the Peruvian Amazon.
Natural remedy for: heart disease, diabetes, cancer, ADD, depression, osteoporosis.

Maca Root: Used for 2,000 years by Inca Indians.
2 major benefits? Prolonged energy and endurance.

Chia Seeds: Native to southern Mexico.
Reduces food cravings, helps stay hydrated, and are rich in omega 3's. 

Wheat Grass: The building block for a healthy blood stream.
Increases red blood count, purifies and cleanses blood, improves blood disorders, reduces blood pressure, suppresses appetite, reduces fatigue, increases energy levels. It's antioxidants repair damaged blood cells. Very beneficial for cancer patients.

and many more .. .

Not to mention the prebiotics, probiotics, and digestive enzymes which are beneficial to your digestive system. 

At this point it was clear to me that my results were from the choices I made to fuel my body every single day with exactly what it needs. I couldn't believe that all my internal problems were due to the fact that I was depriving my body of nutrients. To try and match the nutrition in shakeology would cost you $41 dollars a day at a grocery store vs the $3.98/day you pay to have your shake. All I know is this, I would much rather invest in my health now for 3.98 a day than to continue to neglect myself and invest a lot more in doctors bills/medications later. 

Call me biased, but I have not seen anything that remotely compares to the nutritional value of Shakeology which I why I am so passionate about it and why my family, customers, and I drink it every single day. 

Happy 7 months Shakeology! 

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