Friday, December 5, 2014

Creating our dream life ..

Whew .. yesterday was a big ball of happy emotion! My husband selected Maritime, which has been a goal of his since he started school. On top of that, I have been working endless hours to build a business and after 10 months of hard work, it's finally starting to show. I got a call yesterday inviting Mase and I on an all expenses paid trip to Cancun compliments of Team Beachbody! That now makes 4 trips in the next 6 months for my business. Is this real life? You see happy smiling faces and we are incredibly grateful for the opportunities that are approaching us, but the truth is, it's been hard freaking work to get here. We are both spending countless hours daily trying to reach our goals separately and together. We have both had failures, heartache, stress, defeat, but the difference is we never gave up. We still aren't giving up. It's hard being young today trying to find success in your lives, and I can promise that nothing is ever going to be handed to you. So if you live in the mindset that life isn't fair, and you're never gonna get a break, then get over yourself and start creating the life you want because that's the only way it's going to happen. 

10 months ago, I chose to stop feeling sorry for myself and put my energy towards something that made me happy. I chose to stop using being a military spouse to cripple my mind into thinking a career wasn't possible for me due to travel. The reality of it is that anything is possible. Those words are not made up and for the longest time I didn't believe in them. We are taught our whole lives to follow our dreams, but the minute we take a chance on something we are judged. It's not safe. we could fail. Am I really making the right choice? But I came to the point where I knew i'd rather try like hell and fail miserably doing something I love than to sit around and keep watching the days go by. 

That was a risk we were willing to take .. 

Success doesn't happen overnight, but it's important that your vision of what you want is crystal clear so that you can start plugging away daily at your goals. Mason and I have big plans for our future, but they are not gonna happen if we sit around and wait for a miracle. That's not how the world works. If you want something, you gotta work for it, and my husbands career is a perfect example. His job is NOT easy, and it takes extreme dedication on his part to do the best he can do so he can live the life we have mapped out. Again, it's about deciding what you want and then swimming like hell. PREPARE FOR NOTHING is one of my favorite quotes. You know what you want, and you know what you need to do to accomplish it, but at the end of the day it's not promised. BUT, if you are relentless in your daily activity, the odds 98% percent of the time are going to be in your favor. 

We've got a ton of exciting things happening in the next 6-8 months. Christmas with the family, relocating, Los Angeles, New Hampshire, Cancun, Winging ceremony, Birthdays, Anniversary's, another move, Nashville .. I mean the list goes on. The most important thing though is to never lose your focus on the big picture. Celebrating the pay offs, but continuing to move in the right direction with a strong mindset CREATING the life of our dreams. It can get pretty flashy and exciting over here, but at the end of the day we are just two normal kids with big dreams who spend their days hustling to make it work and our nights in sweats on the couch catching up on DVR. We chose each other first everyday, treat our dog like a queen, and find more enjoyment in FaceTime chats with our family over weekend parties downtown. 

We live, we love, we fight, we cry ( well I cry.ha!) . We put our pants on like everyone else. We don't try to be perfect we just appreciate life and all of it's lessons. We choose to learn from our mistakes instead of drowning in misery , and we open our eyes each day making it the best that it can be.

2 weeks until we are home with our family! Lot's of work to do before then! Painting our house, packing our house, and renting our house is in our immediate future as of yesterday.  Oh and finding somewhere to live in TEXAS! 

Time to grind.

PS. i've never painted

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