Sunday, November 23, 2014

21 Day Fix Challenge Group

So why now? The question really is why not now? What better time to get a kickstart on your health and fitness than right after thanksgiving? There is that gap in between the holiday where people feel like they just completely BLEW it. They feel they are too far gone, which is where the new year new resolution comes into play. But let's be honest with ourselves here, how many resolutions have we started and let fall through? How many times have we promised ourselves that this time would be different, and it wasn't? To me, it's not about the perfect time because at the end of the day there is no perfect time and if we sit around and wait for it, we are going to be waiting forever. 

This was me, last year, at this very time. I was the heaviest I had ever been and thanksgiving was right around the corner. I was absolutely miserable, had nothing that fit, constantly wanted to be covered up in the biggest sweats I could find, shopping for large sweaters to try and cover up that I wasn't taking care of myself. It was total nonsense, and yes I write this here today and make it sound so simple because I did come out of it, I did change my life. But what you are forgetting is that I was there. I've struggled for the last 4 years with my weight. I've tried dieting, i've tried gym memberships, I've tried it all. Why wasn't anything working? Well first of all, I was looking for a quick fix. I was looking to do whatever it is I had to do, which in turn made me completely miserable, but to me I felt like I knew the outcome was worth it. And to be honest, it was. But within a month I was back to struggling again, because I reached my goal, so I quit. I had zero balance, I went back to struggling and fighting with myself as to why this was happening to me. I played the blame game, I played the I don't care game. But at the end of the day I did care, I wanted to be healthy, I wanted to feel confident.

I run these groups because I can relate. I run these groups to let you know that someone is rooting for you. To let you know that we can work through this together, and that you have someone that will count on you every step of the way. I realized I didn't have this, and that's why I wasn't successful. I realized that I was easily peer pressured or influenced in other directions that were not allowing me to achieve the goal that I truly desired. 

So it's not about waiting. Because guess what? i've tried that too! It's about taking the opportunity you have right now and letting me work with you. Coming into my kitchen and learning my tips, realizing i'm far from perfect and I don't pretend to be, but understanding that i've found balance. I'm not here to push you, or slap your hand when you make a mistake. I'm here to encourage you like I was encouraged, to be the person that believes in you, because I do believe in you. I believe in everyone that I work with because I know that we as humans are limitless. It's helping you believe in yourself that takes time, but it does happen, and when it does your life will be changed forever. 

So this is an open invitation to you or anyone that you may know to benefit from this. Give me 21 days. 3 weeks to help you learn tips and tricks that are going to benefit you forever. Go into the New Year strong instead of waiting until it gets here to make a change to last you a lifetime. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You got it girl…. and I want to have it too… let's do this!