Sunday, November 9, 2014

21 day fix approved Weekly Menu! :)

As time consuming as it may seem to take approx 3 hours on Sundays creating our meal plan, grocery shopping, and prepping, It's saving us TIME and MONEY throughout our week. Mason and I are pretty simple. We LOVE good food, but know it's not necessary for us to cook immaculate meals for just the two of us every single day of the week. 

With Mason being in flight school his schedule is extremely time consuming and the last thing I want to do is spend hours in the kitchen every night when he gets home when I could be spending that time with him sharing our day and catching up on our favorite shows! Again, we are simple

Today I wanted to share with you a glimpse of what our meals look like for the week. Granted this is just one week, and every week we try to switch it up, but this will give you an idea of just how SIMPLE it is to eat right, eat enough, and not spend an eternity or an entire paycheck making sure you and your family stay healthy. 

As the recipes are not added, I plan to upload our dinners each evening this week attaching the recipe if anyone is interested. So check back :) These meals are 21 day fix approved, which is the meal plan that I have followed for the last 8 months. What I love about the 21 day fix is that i'm eating REAL FOOD, and a lot of it!! It's really important to spread out your meals throughout the day , which is why you will see that we are eating between 5-6 times. This meal plan i'm showing is based specifically off of MY caloric intake ( calculations provided from 21 fix guide) , which isn't nearly enough for Mason, so his portions will most likely be doubled. Believe it or not, the more you weigh, the more you EAT! Your body NEEDS that fuel to burn or it will constantly feel deprived and store everything you do feed it..aka ( weight gain)

My biggest problem with the 21 day fix is making sure I am eating enough! I won't lie, when I started this program and saw the containers I would be using to portion out my food, I WAS SCARED. I didn't think it would be enough, I thought I would starve and that this would turn into another failed diet I can say that I tried and didn't work. But depending on your caloric target, depends how many times you fill EACH container up, and as you will see in my meal plan, I get to use them a lot EACH DAY :)

THIS is why I love this program. It doesn't feel like I am eating any different. The biggest thing, like I said, is eating enough and the proper portion sizes. You can absolutely over eat on GOOD food, and this program teaches an awesome balance that can become an easy habit in just 3 weeks of applying it. 

I can honestly say MEAL PREP is the way to go. Especially if you are a busy family. Spending a few hours one day a week to prep your family to success is going to actually SAVE so much time and money in the long run. 

Natalie & Mason's weekly meal guide

1 comment:

al said...

what's the buff chik salad recipe?! :)