Thursday, September 18, 2014

My Transformation

I'm just a normal girl who made a promise to myself that enough was enough. 

My fitness journey started in Feb of this year, a point in my life that some would call my lowest. Have you ever been to the point in your life when you realize everything you have worked so hard for is NOT paying off? Dealing with the stresses of a brand new move, a new place, a new life, looking for a job daily, etc. I felt like I just couldn't win. "Why me?" I would often ask myself. Feeling sorry for myself that nothing was going the way I had envisioned it. But if you ask me now, I can't even tell you what I really envisioned at all back then? I don't think I actually had a plan. I think I was expecting for some large sum gig to come knocking at my door so I could call myself "successful." I've worked so hard my whole life, working since I was 15, always independent, taking on a tough major to prove I could do it, testing my limits and pushing past them. I knew that once that diploma came in the mail , I could start the life I've always dreamed of. 

What does it mean to be successful? I used to think that a 6 figure income was number one and that anything other than was not good enough. I was so stressed about not having control over my future, I was so sick of waiting... 

I decided while I waited that there was one thing I could control .. and that was me. I had gained a whopping 15 pounds since my wedding (8 months earlier) and I knew that getting my health under control was something I neglected for far to long. It was time to make a change. If you know my story already, then you know that I was following a friend on facebook who was a beachbody coach. I was intrigued by the idea of it considering I LOVED beachbody programs. I took a chance, reached out, and got started right away on a program focusing on fitness and nutrition. It was with countless failed attempts and at the verge of giving up that they ON switch just showed up out of nowhere and I couldn't be stopped.

After about a month of my new routine, my habits were pretty well intact. I was feeling positive, seeing great results, and my health was making a turn for the better. It was through this program and through my failures that I realized the problem all along, and that problem was me. 

For so long I felt like I could blame the world for everything. It wasn't until I failed multiple times at this program that I realized the only person I could blame this on this time was MYSELF. That was a huuuuge eye opener for me, and one I was so blessed to receive. 

It was then that my life starting shifting. I realized the problem wasn't anyone else, it was me. So I began working on myself, 100%. My fitness and health were under control now, and I was doing the necessary tasks to better myself, but I needed more. So I opened my mind to personal development. In what areas did I feel insecure or unsure? I would target those emotions, whether it was leadership, consistency, time management, confidence, etc. and I READ a book about them.

Do you know the feeling you get when you have a conversation with someone who opens your mind to a whole new perspective of a view or concept you had only known to be the way you thought of it? You leave that conversation feeling inspired and excited right? That's what 10-15 minutes of personal development can do for your life every single day. Imagine how much your mindset could change, if you had that positivity flooding your life. 

Healthy routine= check.
positive mindset= check.

With my knew journey I was starting to learn so much about myself that I never had known before. For the first time I was REALLY starting envision my life. Setting a plan, writing down goals for how I was going to achieve my dreams, and most importantly, I was taking ACTION to do them. 

While doing all of this, I had committed to being a Beachbody Coach. In hopes to help someone get motivated like I had been, because I knew the outcome could be life changing. I've developed such a love for this business that my heart could just explode!!!

healthy routine=check
positive mindset=check
dream job= check

So what does it mean to be successful? To me it means working on yourself every single day to the best person you can be. Surrounding yourself with positive people and positive lifestyles. Figuring out what you want out of life and GOING FOR IT RIGHT NOW, regardless of the judgement that might be perceived. Stop trying to fit the mold and LIVE unapologetically, staying true to yourself no matter what. Learning that YOU determine your fate, not anyone else. Lastly, and most importantly to me is LOVE. Whether that is a spouse, a kid, a pet, whatever it may be, love is such a beautiful gift and one we should NEVER take for granted. 

1 comment:

Kelsey said...

Ummmm, this is amazing. Thank you for sharing.

And hello abs!!